[R-sig-Debian] Error in ragg... Graphics API version mismatch

Johan Andresen joh@n@@ndre@en @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 27 13:00:30 CEST 2023

I am sorry yet delighted to announce that the problem has been resolved.
ragg didn't install successfully in the first place. When it was, there was
no graphics API mismatch. Apologies for the spam; this entry may be
deleted. Johan

Den fre. 27. okt. 2023 kl. 12.42 skrev Johan Andresen <
johan.andresen using gmail.com>:

> Hi
> boxplot() returns an error I have seen reported on stackexchange:
> Error in ragg::agg_png(filename = "/tmp/....
> Graphics API version mismatch
> The advice on
> https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/#debian-bullseye-stable is to
> reinstall ragg cf. "will need to be reinstalled". I have tried doing so
> with apt and install.package() but neither worked. Am I missing something?
> Do I have to reinstall RStudio (global graphics are set to backend AGG)?
> versions
> RStudio 2023.03.0 Build 386
> R 4.3.1
> Debian Bullseye
> I expect to upgrade my Debian version later but not now. Will I have to
> reinstall R 4.0.4 by removing the deb repository for 4.3.1?
> Note: removing ragg enables RStudio to display a plot using alternative
> software.
> Best regards,
> Johan

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