[R-sig-Debian] Error in ragg... Graphics API version mismatch

Johan Andresen joh@n@@ndre@en @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Oct 27 12:42:20 CEST 2023


boxplot() returns an error I have seen reported on stackexchange:

Error in ragg::agg_png(filename = "/tmp/....
Graphics API version mismatch

The advice on
https://cran.r-project.org/bin/linux/debian/#debian-bullseye-stable is to
reinstall ragg cf. "will need to be reinstalled". I have tried doing so
with apt and install.package() but neither worked. Am I missing something?
Do I have to reinstall RStudio (global graphics are set to backend AGG)?

RStudio 2023.03.0 Build 386
R 4.3.1
Debian Bullseye

I expect to upgrade my Debian version later but not now. Will I have to
reinstall R 4.0.4 by removing the deb repository for 4.3.1?

Note: removing ragg enables RStudio to display a plot using alternative

Best regards,

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