[R-sig-Debian] elpa-ess fails to initialize after update to 18.10 on ubuntu bionic

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd @ending from debi@n@org
Wed Oct 24 22:28:48 CEST 2018

Hi Paul,

On 24 October 2018 at 14:49, Paul Johnson wrote:
| It looks OK from my end.
| On my Ubuntu 18.1 system, I did not see the problem described above.

Yes, my Ubuntu 18.04 is fine as well.

| However, today I saw some other wrinkles and  I have installed your
| package and it works as well.  M-R does cause an  R session to open.

(I guess you meant M-x R, presumably ? )

The (updated, nice) ESS docs also recommend M-x ess-version which works of
course too.

| I see an explicit setwd() function call in the R inferior session,
| I've not noticed that before.  Otherwise, no damage from the new deb
| file.
| The standard keyboard shortcuts like C-c C-n work work fine too. The
| buttons like "->" and eval region seem OK.
| I have some other problems to fix, but I don't think they are related
| to packaging.

Ok, I'll probably ship this one then.

| Thanks for your effort

My pleasure.


http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd using debian.org

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