[R-sig-Debian] Hmisc for Maverick

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Jan 13 18:22:01 CET 2012

On 13 January 2012 at 10:51, Patrick Goetz wrote:
| On 01/12/2012 09:21 PM, r-sig-debian-request at r-project.org wrote:
| > Message: 4 Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 18:39:53 -0500
| > From: Michael Rutter <mar36 at psu.edu>
| >
| > Hmisc is available on c2d4u
| > (https://launchpad.net/~marutter/+archive/c2d4u) for Natty and Oneiric,
| > but not for Maverick, the others you mention are not.
| >
| Dirk, Michael -  thanks for the useful advice.
| Re: Hmisc:  It turns out that Hmisc is available as a package for 
| Maverick directly from packages.ubuntu.com:  r-cran-hmisc
| (also for natty, oneiric, and precise)
| One question.  Dirk mentioned a couple of times that Hmisc is no longer 
| maintained and has been replaced by rms.  I'm not following this.  The 
| last update for Hmisc is Nov. 8, 2011 and Hmisc (> 3.7) is listed as a 
| dependency for rms.

As I said in email earlier today, I was wrong (and presumably lacking coffee
or sleep):  the sibbling package "Design" by Harrell was replaced by "rms" by
Harrell.  "Hmisc", which is used by both continues unaffected.

And Hmisc has been packaged for Debian since this entry:

hmisc (1.6.1-1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial Debian Release, closes Intent to Package (Closes: #198570)

 -- Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>  Sat,  5 Jul 2003 13:50:53 -0500

when it wasn't even a CRAN package yet.
| (I'm going to try and use the mosaic package for a statistics class this 
| semester, and mosaic depends Hmisc.)

Try 'apt-cache search ^r-cran- | sort'; there is lot there. For the rest, you
can use Michael's ppa or install into /usr/local/lib/R which I do with the
install.r helper script in the littler package.


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