[R-sig-Debian] Limit of c() length?

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Dec 17 17:48:29 CET 2010

On 17 December 2010 at 10:10, Paul Roge wrote:
| Hello,
| I am running the debian derivative gnewsense lemote (mipsel
| architecture) on a lemote yeeloong notebook. It appears that entering
| long vectors into R using the c() command is not accepted. R outputs the
| "+" symbol, which normally asks for additional syntax to finish the
| code. R accepts the vector in smaller pieces using c() and accepts the
| complete vector in debian squeeze (i386 architecture). 

Reproducible example?
| Is there known limits for entry lengths in R for mipsel? Is this a
| problem that I will encounter with other commands when using the mipsel
| architecture?
| > > sessionInfo()
| > R version 2.7.1 (2008-06-23) 

That is really old.  

Built-in limits like the one you encountered do get fixed over time so I
suspect you'd be all set if you could get hold of a newer version of R.

Debian builds releases for the mipsel architecture, you could try installing
the .deb or as a less hackish attempt, install Debian itself (which you can
always prune down to gnewsense purity should you so desire).  

Re-building from source is likely going to be painful.


| > mipsel-unknown-linux-gnu 
| > 
| > locale:
| > 
| > attached base packages:
| > [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base  
| thanks,
| Paul
| --
| Paul Roge
| PhD Candidate
| UC Berkeley
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Dirk Eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org | http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com

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