[R-sig-DB] ROracle: Oracle database interface for R

ripiey m@iii@g oii st@ts@ox@@c@uk ripiey m@iii@g oii st@ts@ox@@c@uk
Thu Dec 19 17:44:59 CET 2002

You need to INSTALL a source package: see the rw-FAQ.
Your problem is a basic lack of understanding of R packages, and I do
suggest you practice with a few simpler ones first.

You will need the Oracle client libraries as I recall (which I don't
have for Windows, or even know if they are available for Windows).

>From Windows I think you would find it much easier to use RODBC if your
Oracle server has an ODBC driver.

On Thu, 19 Dec 2002, Stephen Arthur wrote:

> Hi,
> I use an Oracle 8.0.6 database (later to be 9i) on
> Windows NT 4.0.  I want to use the Oracle database
> with R using the ROracle package.
> However, I am having trouble installing the ROracle
> package on my machine.  Is ROracle for use on Windows
> operating systems?
> The downloaded file is called ROracle_0.4-0.tar.gz
> When I try to load ROracle package internally from R,
> using options:
> 1) "Install packages from CRAN..." the ROracle package
> does not appear in the list as a loadable package.
> 2) "Install package from zip file..." the R tool is
> looking for files with extension ".zip" when the file
> I have downloaded has a UNIX-like extension ".tar.gz".
> Is there another way to load ROracle package into R?
> Is ROracle usable within a Windows environment?
> I would really like to get R linked to Oracle.
> Thanks for your help,
> Stephen
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Brian D. Ripley,                  ripley using stats.ox.ac.uk
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