[R-pkg-devel] Problem with "compacting" pdf files.

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Sun Oct 1 14:22:34 CEST 2023

On Sun,  1 Oct 2023 08:31:31 +0000
Rolf Turner <rolfturner using posteo.net> wrote:

> I do not understand:

>    * the reference to inst/doc (there is no such directory)

When you run R CMD build in order to produce a new Iso-*.tar.gz, R runs
Sweave and pdflatex on vignettes/algorithm.Rnw in order to produce
inst/doc/algorithm.pdf inside the resulting tarball (but not the
original source tree on your computer).

>    * what I have to do to get Iso to pass the required checks

Does it help to run R CMD build --compact-vignettes=both? This should
let R run tools::compactPDF on inst/doc/algorithm.pdf it generates
before placing it inside the package tarball.

I think that R doesn't know anything about files under inst/vignettes
in the source tree.

Best regards,

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