[R-pkg-devel] Failed CRAN tar.gz upload to CRAN

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri Jan 13 23:15:13 CET 2023

On Fri, 13 Jan 2023 21:51:01 +0000
Chris Brien <chris.brien using adelaide.edu.au> wrote:

> the package files is being dropped as well. It replaces my file name
> with "No file chosen".  Consequently I cannot continue submit the
> package.

I understand that this behaviour is counter-intuitive, but that seems
to be the way it's supposed to work. Package submission is a multi-step

Step 1 involves providing your name, your e-mail address and the
package file. Once uploaded, the package file stays somewhere at CRAN,
at least for a while.

Step 2 involves making sure that you've uploaded the right package.
You're shown your name, e-mail address, the optional comment and the
fields from the DESCRIPTION file. The "Package:" file upload field
should be empty because CRAN already has a copy of the file.

Pressing the "Re-upload the package/Edit information" will repeat the
step 1 and take you back to the same place, just before the step 2. In
order to progress, you need to press the "Submit package" button below
the form, despite the "Package:" file upload field is empty.

Do the "Title:", "Description:", "Authors(s):" fields contain the
information for your package? Does the "Submit package" button work for
you? Are there any other messages there?

Perhaps the CRAN submission form should show some indication that the
file has been uploaded near the file entry field during step 2?

Best regards,

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