[R-pkg-devel] Logical Inconsistency of check regarding URL?

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Nov 29 08:55:10 CET 2022

Dear Michael,

On Tue, 29 Nov 2022 08:19:40 +0100
"Dr. habil. Michael Thrun" <m.thrun using gmx.net> wrote:

> URL:  https://www.deepbionics.org (moved to
> https://mthrun.github.io/index)
> Status: 301
> Message: Moved Permanently

> Please change http --> https, add trailing slashes, or follow moved
> content as appropriate. "

The "HTTPS and trailing slashes" part is a red herring. The idea is to
only have URLs in your package that return HTTP code 200.
The website https://www.deepbionics.org redirects to
https://mthrun.github.io/index, which is, strictly speaking, against
the letter of the rules [1]. Websites that redirect from http://... to
https://... and from .../website/path to .../website/path/ (and the
other way around) are a common cause of such redirects, which is why Uwe
mentioned it (I think), but this isn't the reason for the redirection at

I think you could make the argument that https://www.deepbionics.org is
the canonical URL for the website and the way it _currently_ works (by
returning a 301 redirect to https://mthrun.github.io/index) is an
implementation detail that should be ignored, but I don't know whether
CRAN reviewers would agree. I think it should be possible to set up
your domain and GitHub Pages to serve mthrun.github.io at the address
www.deepbionics.org without a redirection [2], but I've never tried it

> First, do we not communicate with CRAN anymore through the submission
> procedure of the package? If not, which is the correct line of
> communication in such a case?

There was a case once when the reviewer was mistaken (they were in the
process of heroically clearing out the "newbies" queue that almost
reached 80 packages, aged 10 days and more, all by themselves, so a
certain amount of fatigue was to be expected) and I was able to argue
my way out of a rejection by replying to the reviewer. I think that the
way to go is to either submit a package with requested changes and an
incremented version or to reply-to-all and argue the case for the
package as it is now.
> Third, why can I have a CRAN package "DataVisualizations" with this
> URL online, another one named "GeneralizedUmatrix" uploaded the same
> day with the same URL, which both are OK, but the URL in
> "DatabionicSwarm" is not?

Has anything changed recently regarding the way your domain is set up?
It really is strange that the check passed for one of the packages but
not the other.

> Fifth, why do we need https/TLS/SSL?   

I think you're right (see also: depriving an existing website of its
certificate as a means of censorship), but the browser makers may end
up destroying TLS-less workflow for us in a few years. Thankfully, it's
not a requirement of CRAN to have only HTTPS links. I probably
shouldn't continue this topic because the question of "how the Web
should function" tends to result in pointlessly heated debates.

Best regards,

[1] https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/URL_checks.html


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