[R-pkg-devel] Help in getting past CRAN submission rejections

Balasubramanian Narasimhan n@r@@ @end|ng |rom @t@n|ord@edu
Thu Sep 10 02:16:49 CEST 2020

Thanks Toby, so there is hope.  The drat suggestion for rcbc is worth a 
try, gurobi is noted as you recommend.


On 9/9/20 4:38 PM, Toby Hocking wrote:
> Hi Naras
> I had a similar issue recently with 
> https://cloud.r-project.org/web/packages/nc/ --- it Suggests: re2r 
> which is a package that is no longer on CRAN, but available on github. 
> To solve the issue I just copied the re2r into a drat repo, which is a 
> CRAN-like repository hosted on github. More info on drat here 
> http://eddelbuettel.github.io/drat/DratForPackageAuthors.html So if 
> those solver packages you have in Suggests are open-source, you can 
> just copy them to your drat repo, and list that drat repo in 
> Additional_repositories. If they aren't open-source then you should 
> provide a description of how to obtain those packages in Description. 
> Something like "gurobi package is not available in any public 
> open-source repositories but can be downloaded for academic use free 
> of charge from $GUROBI_URL"
> BTW thanks for your efforts in getting CVXR on CRAN, that is really 
> important work!
> Toby
> On Wed, Sep 9, 2020 at 10:40 AM Balasubramanian Narasimhan 
> <naras using stanford.edu <mailto:naras using stanford.edu>> wrote:
>     We've been struggling to get past CRAN's rejections for a new
>     upload of
>     CVXR.  The new version makes essentially one change to the existing
>     version on CRAN: the addition of a DOI to an article to appear in
>     JSS.
>     We realize that CRAN may tighten policies in the meantime forcing
>     some
>     changes to be made, which we are happy to do. But we are not sure
>     what.
>     The automated check
>     <https://win-builder.r-project.org/incoming_pretest/CVXR_1.0-6_20200908_223033/>
>     came back with 2 notes on Debian and Windows, both addressed in
>     replies
>     and submission comments. (Solaris failures are expected, also noted.)
>     The communications with CRAN indicates that the problem might be that
>     our package (the current version too) _suggests_ solvers not
>     available
>     on CRAN. These are either on github or on vendor websites (free to
>     academics after login).  One reply from CRAN suggested that we either
>     use the "Additional_repositories" field or provide some text in
>     Description. The former is not applicable---these are not CRAN-like
>     repositories---so we added text in the description with URL links.
>     What could we be missing?
>     Thanks.
>     -Naras
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