[R-pkg-devel] Problems installing dependences of my package

William Dunlap wdun|@p @end|ng |rom t|bco@com
Mon Sep 9 20:33:53 CEST 2019

> And now, I have another problem because the versions are usually
indicated using “>=”, for example:
> forecast (>=8.7) but I need to use exactly the versión 8.7 because
sometimes when packages are updated,
> they lost some functions. But if I use <= or == and the package is update
to versión 8.8, my package installation fail.

In my experience, it is rare that version<= is required.  What function in
in forecast-8.7 was dropped in -8.8?
I didn't see any, but perhaps I missed something.

Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com

On Mon, Sep 9, 2019 at 7:58 AM Andrea Vilar Alvarez <
andreavilaralvarez using hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am writting because I am doing a package in R and I have some problems
> installing dependences which appear at DESCRIPTION file.
> First of all, I am not sure about the difference between Depends and
> Imports, but I only use Depends.
> My problem is that my package is going to be used at different computers
> and for different persons so I want that when other person use my package,
> it can be able to check  if the necesary packages are installed and if they
> are not installed, the package must be able to install  them.
> I supposed that this problem was solved including the necesary packages
> and their versions at “Depends”. And now, I have another problem because
> the versions are usually indicated using “>=”, for example: forecast
> (>=8.7) but I need to use exactly the versión 8.7 because sometimes when
> packages are updated, they lost some functions. But if I use <= or == and
> the package is update to versión 8.8, my package installation fail.
> How can I solve this? If I use R normaly (outside my package), I can
> install older versions of other packages using devtools::install_version()
> so why when I indicate  forecast (<=8.7) at Depends on the DESCRIPTION
> file, R is not able to install an older version if a new one is avaliable?
> Thanks in advance for your attention.
> Best regards,
> Andrea.
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