[R-pkg-devel] package problems

Iñaki Ucar |uc@r @end|ng |rom |edor@project@org
Thu Apr 25 20:58:40 CEST 2019

On Thu, 25 Apr 2019 at 18:57, Uwe Ligges
<ligges using statistik.tu-dortmund.de> wrote:
> On 25.04.2019 02:09, Dennis Boos wrote:
> > R Package Folks,
> >
> > The automatic checks rejected my package submission. A year ago, I got
> > past the automatic checks, but a CRAN person told me to add a doi and
> > use \donttest{}.
> >
> > 1. So I added the doi to the DESCRIPTION file--it seems to work using
> > the cran checks in Rstudio and everything looks good when I load the
> > package locally.  However, I got this message today when I submitted
> >
> > Found the following (possibly) invalid DOIs:
> >      DOI: 10.1002/insr.12087
> >        From: DESCRIPTION
> >        Status: Not Found
> >        Message: 404
> >
> > But the paper exists and I have placed it at
> >
> > https://www4.stat.ncsu.edu/~boos/Monte.Carlo.se/
> >
> > for anyone to check. The package source code is also there.
> >
> > 2. I tried \donttest{}, but decided to use \dontrun{} after getting
> > rejected for having examples that run too long. Still I got this message
> > today:
> >
> > Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64
> > Check: running examples for arch 'i386', Result: NOTE
> >    Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 10s
> >                  user system elapsed
> >    mc.se.matrix 35.13   0.64   35.93
> >
> > Flavor: r-devel-windows-ix86+x86_64
> > Check: running examples for arch 'x64', Result: NOTE
> >    Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 10s
> >                  user system elapsed
> >    mc.se.matrix 27.38   0.63   28.14
> >
> > Flavor: r-devel-linux-x86_64-debian-gcc
> > Check: examples, Result: NOTE
> >    Examples with CPU or elapsed time > 10s
> >                  user system elapsed
> >    mc.se.matrix 18.62  1.372   19.99
> First qiuestion has been answered already, second one: Apparently it is
> NOT in \dontrun{}.

Dennis, you added \dontrun{} to the source file, but you forgot to
regenerate the documentation with roxygen.

Iñaki Úcar

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