[R] startup loading issue

Jeff Newmiller jdnewm|| @end|ng |rom dcn@d@v|@@c@@u@
Tue Oct 25 20:25:35 CEST 2022

My bet would be a .RData file. They extract data from shared objects in memory but do not restore that data in shared objects, so there is a risk of memory requirements exploding.

If this is actually a problem specific to the Mac, you might want to ask on R-sig-mac.

On October 25, 2022 6:33:10 AM PDT, ken eagle <eaglek2011 using gmail.com> wrote:
>I thought I was loading a ~300M binary (bigwig) file into another
>application, but the window changed to the R GUI without my realizing it
>and R tried to load the file.  I’m on a Mac M1-based laptop with system
>12.5.1 and 8G of ram, running R 4.2.1 (Intel version).   According to
>ActivityMonitor, R grabs ~45G (!) of memory before the system warns me that
>it is out of application memory and I have to force quit R.  I have since
>tried locating/moving/editing .Rprofile, .Rapp.history, or .RData files
>with no impact.  Starting R from a Terminal session works fine but has no
>impact on the problem.  I have tried restarting R, restarting the laptop,
>and re-installing R, all with no change; on restarting R, it just starts
>reloading the file it can’t handle (CtrlC and ESC don’t do anything). I
>have changed the directory name of the offending file, and the filename
>itself, without changing what happens upon starting R.  I’ve also created a
>new .Rprofile that successfully executes but does not prevent the load
>problem unless the .Rprofile includes a quit() command.
>Any suggestions?
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Sent from my phone. Please excuse my brevity.

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