[R] R 3.5.2 is released

Peter Dalgaard pd@me@ @ending from cb@@dk
Thu Dec 20 09:33:30 CET 2018

The build system rolled up R-3.5.2.tar.gz (codename "Eggshell Igloo") this morning.

The list below details the changes in this release.

You can get the source code from


or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you.

Binaries for various platforms will appear in due course.

For the R Core Team,

Peter Dalgaard

These are the checksums (md5 and SHA-256) for the freshly created files, in case you wish
to check that they are uncorrupted:

MD5 (AUTHORS) = b9c44f9f78cab3184ad9898bebc854b4
MD5 (COPYING) = eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a
MD5 (COPYING.LIB) = a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343
MD5 (FAQ) = 3bba37aa1dd06de3f781200a8081302f
MD5 (INSTALL) = 7893f754308ca31f1ccf62055090ad7b
MD5 (NEWS) = 2e406d65b35c6e2f6f0cf07ce12f1697
MD5 (NEWS.0) = bfcd7c147251b5474d96848c6f57e5a8
MD5 (NEWS.1) = eb78c4d053ec9c32b815cf0c2ebea801
MD5 (NEWS.2) = 591dcf615162127f904e4e461f330ce9
MD5 (R-latest.tar.gz) = 3e4b40b2bbd4a2f8133ac45dbef6a485
MD5 (README) = f468f281c919665e276a1b691decbbe6
MD5 (RESOURCES) = 529223fd3ffef95731d0a87353108435
MD5 (THANKS) = 08158353102084599797db8c9ccf8e2a
MD5 (VERSION-INFO.dcf) = 2f0bb13198cfc16ce69d0c61d8cd57ad
MD5 (R-3/R-3.5.2.tar.gz) = 3e4b40b2bbd4a2f8133ac45dbef6a485

2cde824a7b18958e5f06b391c801c8288be0f84fa8934b7ddefef23c67e60c09  AUTHORS
e6d6a009505e345fe949e1310334fcb0747f28dae2856759de102ab66b722cb4  COPYING
6095e9ffa777dd22839f7801aa845b31c9ed07f3d6bf8a26dc5d2dec8ccc0ef3  COPYING.LIB
98df47801c33cc4f4a4de98447cb2bd40e09c0920195f540a981ceed874714f2  FAQ
f87461be6cbaecc4dce44ac58e5bd52364b0491ccdadaf846cb9b452e9550f31  INSTALL
c1bb84ce9fb277e742e2545506c8d1233deb8d397c65329b9325162675a2516c  NEWS
4e21b62f515b749f80997063fceab626d7258c7d650e81a662ba8e0640f12f62  NEWS.0
12b30c724117b1b2b11484673906a6dcd48a361f69fc420b36194f9218692d01  NEWS.1
ca04f78ffe54afa326fe3ed40e7e1411aca0000ed2fa5ead97ddf51c6aa5b7bc  NEWS.2
e53d8c3cf20f2b8d7a9c1631b6f6a22874506fb392034758b3bb341c586c5b62  R-latest.tar.gz
2fdd3e90f23f32692d4b3a0c0452f2c219a10882033d1774f8cadf25886c3ddc  README
408737572ecc6e1135fdb2cf7a9dbb1a6cb27967c757f1771b8c39d1fd2f1ab9  RESOURCES
2d2e85e85574c4430951f6b070c08cd5aff1602abfd1bb162bed6d89c436b11f  THANKS
9d0e6e7f442952001c174cfc235cc4e6ec97f6e73865f605da30abf34f116fb0  VERSION-INFO.dcf
e53d8c3cf20f2b8d7a9c1631b6f6a22874506fb392034758b3bb341c586c5b62  R-3/R-3.5.2.tar.gz

This is the relevant part of the NEWS file:



    * New macro CXX_VISIBILITY analogous to C_VISIBILITY (which several
      packages have been misusing for C++ code) for the default C++
      compiler (but not necessarily one used for non-default C++
      dialects like C++14).


    * The random number generator tests in tests/p-r-random-tests.R no
      longer fail occasionally as they now randomly sample from
      "certified" random seeds.


    * The "glm" method of drop1() miscalculated the score test
      (test="Rao") when the model contained an offset.

    * Linear multiple empty models such as lm(y ~ 0) now have a
      correctly dimensioned empty coefficient matrix; reported by Brett

    * vcov(<empty mlm>) and hence confint() now work (via a consistency
      change in summary.lm()).

    * confint(<multiple lm()>) now works correctly; reported on R-devel
      by Steven Pav.

    * quade.test() now also works correctly when its arguments are not
      yet sorted along groups, fixing PR#15842.

    * Installation on a Unix-alike tries harder to link to the pthread
      library where required (rather than relying on OpenMP to provide
      it: configuring with --disable-openmp was failing on some Linux

    * The data.frame method for print(x) is fast now also for large
      data frames x and got an optional argument max, thanks to
      suggestions by Juan Telleria.

    * hist() no longer integer overflows in very rare cases, fixing

    * untar() ignored a character compressed argument: however many
      external tar programs ignore the flags which should have been set
      and automagically choose the compression type, and if appropriate
      gzip or bzip2 compression would have been chosen from the magic
      header of the tarball.

    * zapsmall(x) now works for more "number-like" objects.

    * The tools-internal function called from R CMD INSTALL now gets a
      warnOption = 1 argument and only sets options(warn = warnOption)
      when that increases the warning level (PR#17453).

    * Analogously, the tools-internal function called from R CMD check
      gets a warnOption = 1 argument and uses the larger of that and
      getOption("warn"), also allowing to be run with increased warning

    * Parse data now have deterministic parent nodes (PR#16041).

    * Calling match() with length one x and POSIXlt table gave a
      segfault (PR#17459).

    * Fork clusters could hang due to a race condition in cluster
      initialization (makeCluster()).

    * nextn(n) now also works for larger n and no longer loops
      infinitely for e.g, n <- 214e7.

    * cooks.distance() and rstandard() now work correctly for multiple
      linear models ("mlm").

    * polym() and corresponding lm() prediction now also work for a
      boundary "vector" case fixing PR#17474, reported by Alexandre

    * With a very large number of variables terms() could segfault

    * cut(rep(0, 7)) now works, thanks to Joey Reid and Benjamin Tyner

    * download.file(*, method = "curl", cacheOK = FALSE) should work
      now on Windows, thanks to Kevin Ushey's patch in PR#17323.

    * duplicated(<dataframe with 'f'>) now works, too, thanks to
      Andreas Kersting's PR#17485; ditto for anyDuplicated().

    * legend(*, cex = 1:2) now works less badly.

    * The print() method for POSIXct and POSIXlt now correctly obeys
      getOption("max.print"), fixing a long-standing typo, and it also
      gets a corresponding optional max argument.

    * Unserialization of raw vectors serialized in ASCII representation
      now works correctly.

    * <data frame>[TRUE, <new>] <- list(c1, c2) now works correctly,
      thanks to Suharto Anggono's PR#15362 and Emil Bode's patch in

    * seq.int(*, by=by, length=n) no longer wrongly "drops fractional
      parts" when by is integer, thanks to Suharto Anggono's report

    * Buffering is disabled for file() connections to non-regular files
      (like sockets), as well as fifo() and pipe() connections.  Fixes
      PR#17470, reported by Chris Culnane.

Peter Dalgaard, Professor,
Center for Statistics, Copenhagen Business School
Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark
Phone: (+45)38153501
Office: A 4.23
Email: pd.mes using cbs.dk  Priv: PDalgd using gmail.com

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