[R] Optimize code to read text-file with digits
Martin Møller Skarbiniks Pedersen
traxplayer at gmail.com
Fri Sep 8 10:48:45 CEST 2017
Every day I try to write some small R programs to improve my R-skills.
Yesterday I wrote a small program to read the digits from "A Million
Random Digits" from RAND.
My code works but it is very slow and I guess the code is not optimal.
The digits.txt file downloaded from
contains 20000 lines which looks like this:
00000 10097 32533 76520 13586 34673 54876 80959 09117 39292 74945
00001 37542 04805 64894 74296 24805 24037 20636 10402 00822 91665
00002 08422 68953 19645 09303 23209 02560 15953 34764 35080 33606
00003 99019 02529 09376 70715 38311 31165 88676 74397 04436 27659
00004 12807 99970 80157 36147 64032 36653 98951 16877 12171 76833
My program which is slow looks like this:
filename <- "digits.txt"
lines <- readLines(filename)
numbers <- vector('numeric')
for (i in 1:length(lines)) {
# remove first column
lines[i] <- sub("[^ ]+ +","",lines[i])
# remove spaces
lines[i] <- gsub(" ","",lines[i])
# split the characters and convert them into numbers
numbers <- c(numbers,as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(lines[i],""))))
Thanks for any advice how this program can be improved.
Martin M. S. Pedersen
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