[R] seeking latex peace

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Tue May 27 23:54:33 CEST 2014

On 28/05/14 00:48, Jim Lemon wrote:
> Hi all,
> I thought it was all over, but when I started my R help (help.start()) to
> check something, none of the help files in plotrix were available, each
> displaying an error message that some 2-3 Gb of memory could not be
> allocated. The same message appeared when I tried to get text help in
> the R console. I have just removed all 505 texlive packages, rebuilt
> plotrix_3.5-7 and reinstalled it. Now the help pages all work properly. If
> this has done something awful to the latest version of plotrix, please let
> me know and I will try to fix it.

I just installed version 3.5-7 from CRAN and as far as I can tell there 
are no problems @ all.

Don't understand @ all when you say that you removed the texlive 
packages; from where? From your system?  What effect would this have on 
plotrix? Or from the plotrix package? If the latter, they should never 
have been there in the first place.



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