[R] aggregate / collapse big data frame efficiently

Martin Batholdy batholdy at googlemail.com
Tue Dec 25 17:34:42 CET 2012


I need to aggregate rows of a data.frame by computing the mean for rows with the same factor-level on one factor-variable;

here is the sample code:

x <- data.frame(rep(letters,2), rnorm(52), rnorm(52), rnorm(52))

aggregate(x, list(x[,1]), mean)

Now my problem is, that the actual data-set is much bigger (120 rows and approximately 100.000 columns) – and it takes very very long (actually at some point I just stopped it).

Is there anything that can be done to make the aggregate routine more efficient?
Or is there a different approach that would work faster?

Thanks for any suggestions!

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