[R] Hierarchical Diagram of Networks in sna or otherwise?
William Revelle
lists at revelle.net
Mon May 4 20:51:08 CEST 2009
At 11:31 AM -0700 5/4/09, jebyrnes wrote:
>Nearly. The algorithm turns up slightly different graphs each time (and
>set.seed doesn't seem to make it consistent) and periodically chokes. But
>better than what I had. Hrm. I don't know much about the algorithm
>graphviz uses for dot. Do you have a reference on hand? If it's simple,
>I'd be willing to take a whack at it.
>Gábor Csárdi-2 wrote:
>> Jarrett,
>> the 'igraph' package has a layout called layout.reingold.tilford that
>> is designed for trees, there is a slight chance that it is good enough
>> for you.
>> Best,
>> Gabor
>> On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 10:11 PM, jebyrnes <byrnes at msi.ucsb.edu> wrote:
>>> I've been using sna to work with some networks, and am trying to
>>> visualize
>>> them easily. My networks are hierarchical (food webs). All of the
>>> layout
>>> engines I've tried with gplot don't seem to plot hierarchical networks,
>>> as
>>> one would using dot from graphviz. While I could do all of this by
>>> outputting to dotfiles and running it through graphviz, the graphics I
>>> get
>>> from R are much cleaner, and more easily integrated into my analyses.
>>> Is there any good way to diagram a hierarchical network in R, either with
>>> the sna library or otherwise? It strikes me that at least the Netindices
>>> package can calculate trophic levels. Could this be used for node
>>> placement?
> >> -Jarrett
> >>
If you like the dot output from graphviz you can
get that using Rgraphviz from bioconductor.
Although somewhat difficult to install, once
installed it works beautifully.
William Revelle http://personality-project.org/revelle.html
Professor http://personality-project.org/personality.html
Department of Psychology http://www.wcas.northwestern.edu/psych/
Northwestern University http://www.northwestern.edu/
Attend ISSID/ARP:2009 http://issid.org/issid.2009/
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