[R] cmprsk- another survival-depedent package causes R crash
Thomas Lumley
tlumley at u.washington.edu
Mon Mar 30 09:05:13 CEST 2009
Yes, there are other packages with incompatibilities with the new version of 'survival'. The package maintainers for all the packages that fail R CMD check have all been notified and given suggestions for how to update. You can see which packages fail CMD check by looking at the CRAN check results linked from the package's CRAN page.
If you find that the change has caused problems for a package but hasn't caused a CMD check failure, then it would be helpful to report it, since we might not know. Otherwise I think you can assume that an update is already on someone's to-do list.
On Mon, 30 Mar 2009, Nguyen Dinh Nguyen wrote:
> Dear Prof Gray and everyone,
> As our package developers discussed about incompatibility between Design and survival packages, I faced another problem with cmprsk- a survival dependent packacge.
> The problem is exactly similar to what happened to the Design package that when I just started running cuminc function, R was suddenly closed.
> These incidents suggest that maybe many other survival dependent packages being involved the problem
> Could you please consider the matter
> My R version: 2.8.1
> Window XP Service pack 3
> Regards
> Nguyen D Nguyen
> Garvan Institute, Australia
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Thomas Lumley Assoc. Professor, Biostatistics
tlumley at u.washington.edu University of Washington, Seattle
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