[R] Confidence Limits for a Cross-Product Ratio

francogrex francogrex at mail.com
Fri Jul 3 11:38:56 CEST 2009

Data from Fisher's paper: Confidence Limits for a Cross-Product Ratio.

> y
     col1 col2
[1,]   10    3
[2,]    2   15


        Fisher's Exact Test for Count Data

data:  y 
p-value = 0.0005367
alternative hypothesis: true odds ratio is not equal to 1 
95 percent confidence interval:
   2.753438 300.682787 
sample estimates:
odds ratio 

The crude odds ratio in Fisher's paper is 25 and the lower 95%CI is 2.750.
How come this is different here? Why is the estimate 21.30533 and how is the
confidence limits calculated (is there a reference for a statistical paper
other than that of Fisher)?

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Confidence-Limits-for-a-Cross-Product-Ratio-tp24320301p24320301.html
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