[R] Presumably simple question about sorting/ordering

Colin Beale c.beale at macaulay.ac.uk
Fri Jul 3 11:12:50 CEST 2009


I'm stuck with a fairly basic re-ordering problem. I want to extract part of a matrix as a vector, and reorder it to match with an erratic sequence of x,y coordinates. Here's an example that shows what I want and how close I've got (but for some reason my mind just can't get the final step at the moment!):

#Define a grid:
xy100 <- expand.grid(1:10, 1:10)
# Define a matrix ofvalues
mat <- matrix(log(xy100[,1]) * log(xy100[,2])+1, ncol = 10)/2

#Plot some the matrix with image and the same data as xy plot:
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(xy100, cex = c(mat), pch = 20)

#define the subset of coordinates I'm interested in:
shortXY <- expand.grid(1:5, 1:5)
#and shuffle these into an erratic sequence:
rand.seq <- sample(1:25)
shortXY <- shortXY[rand.seq,]

#Identify which coordinates in the full dataset are needed (not doubt better ways exist!):
needed <- which(paste(xy100[,1],xy100[,2], sep = " ") %in% paste(shortXY[,1], shortXY[,2], sep = " "))
#Sort these into a sensible order:
sorted <- needed[order(xy100[needed,1], xy100[needed,2])]

# plot showing that when the short-coordinates are ordered (removing the erratic sequence)
# the sorted subset of the matrix is correctly subsetted:
plot(shortXY[order(shortXY[,1], shortXY[,2]),], cex = c(mat)[sorted], pch = 20)

#but what further ordering do I apply to the
# sorted and subsetted matrix, to mean that I don't have to alter the 
# sequence of the shortXY coordinate list? In this example it is obviously the value of rand.seq:
plot(shortXY, cex = c(mat)[sorted][rand.seq], pch = 20)
# but what is the general value of this: how can I recover rand.seq when it isn't known?

Obviously I could do some of this (much more elegantly) with merge, but for various reasons I don't want to (I need to run the process many, many times on very large datasets). Thanks for any pointers - I'm being very slow today...


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