[R] What made us so popular Nov 16-20?

Seeliger.Curt@epamail.epa.gov Seeliger.Curt at epamail.epa.gov
Tue Nov 29 01:14:07 CET 2005

Duncan asks:
> Did we get mentioned somewhere (e.g. Slashdot), or was someone just
> experimenting with some automated downloading?

R was mentioned in last week's (I think) O'Reilly newsletter, which
included a link to a short article showing how easy it is to get R to
graph stuff like stock price histories.  That's the publisher, not the
talking head.

For what it's worth, the article isn't worth chasing down.  It left a
beginner like me disappointed that R's capabilities weren't better
shown, and that he relied on Perl to do data manipulation.


Curt Seeliger, Data Ranger
CSC, EPA/WED contractor
seeliger.curt at epa.gov

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