[R] R CMD check errors

Thomas Stabla statho3 at web.de
Fri Mar 12 16:15:26 CET 2004

Hello again,

I tried to isolate the source code, which causes the error messages:

* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
        package/namespace load failed
* checking for replacement functions with final arg not named 'value' ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in library(package, lib.loc = lib.loc, character.only = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) :
        package/namespace load failed

I created a new package skeleton by calling package.skeleton(name =
"error") from R 1.8.1.

I deleted the subdirectories 'data', 'src' and 'man'.

The NAMESPACE file contains:


The Error.R file in the subdirectory 'R' contains

  x <- 1
  setClass("Parameter", setClass("Parameter", representation(name = "character"))

This small "package" produces already the errors mentioned above, if R
CMD check Error is called (R 1.8.1 and also R 1.9.x).
The point is, as soon as I remove the line with the setClass-call,
then R CMD check Error runs "without" errors (there is a warning about
an empty 'INDEX' file).

If I remove the NAMESPACE file and call R CMD check (after build), I get
these errors:

* checking S3 generic/method consistency ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "setClass"
Execution halted
* checking for replacement functions with final arg not named 'value' ... WARNING
Error in .tryQuietly({ : Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : couldn't find function "setClass"
Execution halted

Thanks for your help,
Thomas Stabla

Error directory available at:

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