[R] Help with this topic

Stephen Opiyo so13839 at alltel.net
Tue Dec 2 03:32:11 CET 2003

Dear ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to calculate autocovarinace and cross-covariance scores 1, 
2 and 3 of four classes A, B, C and D. I am using acf and ccf from time 
sires library.  My problem is that I can not separate my data among the 
classes A, B, C and D.  When I calculated acf for Score 1, I got a wrong 
result.  The reason being that instead of using ony 60, 40 and 20, the 
program use all the data in column under Score 1. What should I do to 
calculate acf and ccf scores for each class A, B, C and D according to 
he data below?

Class        Score 1  Score 2  Score 3
A                60          11          21
A                40          21          16
A                20          16          18
B                10          23          62
B                16            8          13
B                14          13          18
C                22          15          22
C                24            5          18
C                24          12          12
D                16             6         16
D                12             3          8
D                15             2         13
Thanks for your help.


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