[R] Interacting with R

Martin Henry H. Stevens hstevens at rci.rutgers.edu
Fri Apr 20 16:06:54 CEST 2001

Dear R folks,

(Running Windows 98, Pentium II, 128 Mb RAM)

I have been using Splus 2000 for about 1.5 years, and have recently begun using R. I love the Open Source philosophy! I may be switching to to Linux soon.

My question:

How do people most often interact with R? 

In Splus 2000, I used "Script" windows to write functions. "Script" windows were great because:

  1.. they are simple to start and save,
  2.. I could highlight segments of code and run segments,
  3.. They have the nifty feature of highlighting each opening parenthesis as you type the corresponding closing parenthesis,
  4.. They were in Splus itself.
Where would I look for a description of how folks interact with R to perform comparable tasks? Is there an introduction or appendix somewhere that walks a user through daily use that is a little beyond the simple command line stuff in V&R 3rd edition or "R for beginners" (E. Paradis 2000)? I thought I checked the standard documentation, but may have missed the relevent part. 

I have been writing functions and scripts in Word, saving as text (with the .txt suffix I cannot get rid of) and then using "source()" to implement functions. This is okay, but seems a little clumsy. 

Thanks for any input,


"With freedom comes responsibility."

Dr. M. Henry H. Stevens
Postdoctoral Associate
Department of Ecology, Evolution, & Natural Resources
14 College Farm Road
Cook College, Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08901-8551

email: hstevens at rci.rutgers.edu
phone: 732-932-9631
fax: 732-932-8746
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