[Rd] Bug: Issues on Windows with SFN disabled

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Fri Dec 8 18:11:10 CET 2017

On 8 December 2017 at 08:52, Kevin Ushey wrote:
| For what it's worth, the Windows installers for other programming
| language runtimes often install outside of Program Files, so at least
| there is 'prior art' to motivate having R install directly into the
| root of the home drive:
|     - ActiveState Perl installs directly C:/Perl;
|     - Python installs (when installing for all users) into C:/Python$VERSION;
|     - The Ruby installers at https://rubyinstaller.org/ default to the
| root home drive.
| So I (as Dirk said earlier) would also be in favor of having R install
| directly to the root of the home drive, with e.g. C:/R/R-x.y.z being
| the default install location.

Yes! And also keep user-installed packages in C:/R/site-library/ by default.


PS Thanks to an anonymous benefactor who corrected my inaccurate phrasing.

http://dirk.eddelbuettel.com | @eddelbuettel | edd at debian.org

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