[Rd] Re R CMD check checking in development version of R

Gavin Simpson ucfagls at gmail.com
Wed Aug 27 22:20:36 CEST 2014

Dear list,

This is related to the change discussed in the thread "no visible binding
for global variables for data sets in a package".

I went to look at the Check results for one of my packages (analogue) on
CRAN: http://cran.r-project.org/web/checks/check_results_analogue.html

Under the r-devel build machines I'm seeing a lot of things like this:

    Stratiplot.default : axis.VarLabs: no visible global function
     definition for ‘current.panel.limits’
    Stratiplot.default : axis.VarLabs: no visible global function
     definition for ‘panel.axis’
    Stratiplot.default : axis.VarLabs: no visible global function
     definition for ‘which.packet’
    Stratiplot.default : axis.VarLabs: no visible global function
     definition for ‘axis.default’
    Stratiplot.default: no visible global function definition for ‘xyplot’
    Stratiplot.default: no visible binding for global variable
    initCurve: no visible global function definition for ‘cca’
    initCurve: no visible global function definition for ‘rda’
    oldDistance.default: no visible global function definition for
    panel.Loess: no visible global function definition for
    panel.Stratiplot: no visible global function definition for
    plot3d.prcurve: no visible global function definition for ‘rda’
    prcurve: no visible global function definition for ‘rda’
    tran.default: no visible global function definition for ‘wisconsin’
    tran.default: no visible global function definition for ‘decostand’

I realise that I don't importFrom all of those functions in NAMESPACE -
I've missed some so this list is actually very handy. But also I Depend on
packages that provide some of the function complained about.

Is that the cause of these NOTEs? Is the expectation that if I am using a
function from a package, even a package that I have in Depends:, that I
have to explicitly declare these imports in NAMESPACE?

I'm just seeking a bit of clarification on what this new check aims to test
and what is the ideal solution in the view of R Core given this change to R
CMD check.

Thanks in advance


Gavin Simpson, PhD

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