R 2.7.2 is released
Peter Dalgaard
p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk
Mon Aug 25 11:57:29 CEST 2008
I've rolled up R-2.7.2.tar.gz a short while ago.
This is intended as a wrap-up release containing all known fixes to issues with the 2.7.x series.
See the full list of changes below.
You can get it (in a short while) from
or wait for it to be mirrored at a CRAN site nearer to you. Binaries
for various platforms will appear in due course.
For the R Core Team
Peter Dalgaard
These are the md5sums for the freshly created files, in case you wish
to check that they are uncorrupted:
70447ae7f2c35233d3065b004aa4f331 INSTALL
433182754c05c2cf7a04ad0da474a1d0 README
4f004de59e24a52d0f500063b4603bcb OONEWS
ff4bd9073ef440b1eb43b1428ce96872 ONEWS
2335719fbb03eb98954abf14b340e46f NEWS
1ad28cbc84485ccdf4ce5721b34ed645 THANKS
070cca21d9f8a6af15f992edb47a24d5 AUTHORS
a6f89e2100d9b6cdffcea4f398e37343 COPYING.LIB
eb723b61539feef013de476e68b5c50a COPYING
020479f381d5f9038dcb18708997f5da RESOURCES
620f0b60f7f14bcb3f8adcbecd590768 FAQ
6122945e9301825b97a506151b3cefde R-2.7.2.tar.gz
6122945e9301825b97a506151b3cefde R-latest.tar.gz
Here is the relevant bit of the NEWS file:
o sprintf() returns elements of the result in UTF-8 when the
format or any character input has a corresponding element
declared as UTF-8. Similarly for paste(), elements of the
result are in UTF-8 when any input to that element is declared
as UTF-8.
o axis() has new arguments 'col.ticks' and 'lwd.ticks' to allow
the colour and line width of ticks to be set separately from
that of the line (e.g. to set one or the other to transparent
or zero width).
o legend() has a new argument 'box.col' to set the colour of the
enclosing box.
o legend() gains a 'xpd' argument to make it easier to place a
legend in the margins or outer margins.
o stripchart() now passes '...' to title() (as well as to
plot.default() and axis()). (Wish of PR#12202)
o help.search() has new argument 'searchEngine' to go
directly to the search form: this is needed by users of
Firefox 3 to workaround a bug in interpreting the search
results pages.
o Plotmath computed the glyph metrics for the wrong character (and
perhaps for a non-existent one) if this was a single-byte
character with the top bit set. An example was symbol("\300").
o sink() and cat() could divert output to a non-writable connection.
o phyper(x, 0,0,0) no longer hangs for huge x and gives 1 for x >= 0.
o plnorm(x, ..., log.p=TRUE) is now correct for x <= 0. (PR#11867)
o <data.frame>[, ch] gives an error (again!) when ch is a string not
exactly matching the column names, thanks to an oral bug report by
Matthew Dowle.
o data.frame(x=1:2, y=3:4, row.names=c("a","NA"))[c(2,NA),] has
correct row names c("NA,"NA.1") again.
o The GUI data editor for dataframes did not handle escape
characters in entries properly. (PR#11897)
o PCRE has been updated to 7.7 (bugfix release).
o package.skeleton() wrongly warned about invalid code_files names
when these were not in the current directory.
o shapiro.test(c(0,0,1)) now has P value >= 0 (instead of barely
o assign() now warns if given a character vector of length > 1,
rather than silently taking the first element.
o rcond(<exactly singular matrix>) now gives 0 instead of an error.
o There was a memory leak in C function ucstoutf8 used by some
graphics devices.
o Plots of profile.mle() objects (package 'stats4') were
misbehaving when the 'which' argument had been used in their
o dnbinom(x, size, mu=*, ..) is now more accurate for very large
'size'. The same applies to pnbinom() and rnbinom().
o axis() was ignoring par() mgp[3] if mgp was set in-line.
o Closing an X11 View() or dataentry window via its frame's
close control now works better on some window managers.
o Calling lapply() was not handling method dispatch correctly for
is.numeric(), is.matrix(), is.array(), log() and the Math2
group. This affected data.matrix() which incorrectly regarded
"Date" and "POSIXct" objects as numeric, and has been adjusted
to do so as exceptions.
o package.skeleton() was not looking for non-function objects in
its 'environment' argument.
o nls() was only finding its 'weights' argument in the case when
all the variables in the formula were of the same length and
hence that model.frame() could be used.
It was silently ignoring 'subset' and 'na.action' except in
that case. Now they are ignored only if 'data' is a list and
variables taken from 'data' are not all of the same length,
in which case a warning is given.
o The 'mle' confint() method now takes 'level' into account when
setting 'alpha' for the profile.
o within() was not handling correctly expressions that produced
NULL columns. (PR#11131)
o dev.print() and dev.copy2{eps,pdf}() now ensure that the current
device is restored as the active device even if an error
occurs. (PR#9801)
o as.Date() could fail to convert character strings representing
days on which midnight did not exist in the current timezone
(as happened in parts of Africa on 1960-01-01).
o The automatic placement of legend() with 'title' and a
reversed 'x' axis was incorrect. (PR#12019)
o The use of multiple packages in 'LinkingTo' works again, and
now works when the dependent packages are in the library to be
installed to (but not in the library path seen by R --vanilla).
o bxp() (and hence boxplot) now respects in-line graphical
parameters 'xaxp'/'yaxp' as appropriate. (PR#11463)
o barplot(log = "y") failed if there were NAs in the 'height'
argument. (PR#11585)
o pbeta() is more accurate in some cases with extreme values of
'ncp'. (PR#11277).
o edit.data.frame() no longer fails if called on a 0-column
data frame and no column is created.
o pchisq(x, df=0) was always one even for x < 0; similarly for
pgamma(x, alpha=0).
o add1() and drop1() now return a P-value of NaN in cases with
df=0 for test="Chisq" (they gave NaN until pchisq was altered
in R 2.6.2).
o The default methods of drop1() and add1() now re-evaluate in the
object's formula environment, rather than simply in the parent
(informal bug report by Werner Stahel).
o The undocumented limit of 8191 bytes on comments (from # to
the end of the line) in R code has been removed.
o qgamma() warns if used with shape < 1e-10, when it may be
unreliable. (PR#12324)
o Installing a source package was not using the package's declared
encoding (if any) as a default encoding for the help.search()
database in Meta/hsearch.rds. This could cause packages with
a default encoding to have some of their entries rejected by
help.search() in a multi-byte locale (such as a UTF-8 locale).
o duplicated() and unique() now handle 'incomparables' better,
and avoid occasional segfaults (PR#12551).
o data.frame(row.names=NULL) once again behaves differently from
the default (as documented).
o plot(isoreg(x,y)) now plots the points correctly, also when 'x'
is not sorted.
O__ ---- Peter Dalgaard Øster Farimagsgade 5, Entr.B
c/ /'_ --- Dept. of Biostatistics PO Box 2099, 1014 Cph. K
(*) \(*) -- University of Copenhagen Denmark Ph: (+45) 35327918
~~~~~~~~~~ - (p.dalgaard at biostat.ku.dk) FAX: (+45) 35327907
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