[ESS] Tab completion in ESS 5.3.7 with older version of comint.el

Erik Iverson iverson at biostat.wisc.edu
Tue Apr 29 00:25:00 CEST 2008

Hello -

I just downloaded R 2.7 and ESS 5.3.7.  I am getting an error with tab 
completion of commands that depends on what version of comint.el I am 
using. First, the error.

Simply put, when I try to TAB complete a command name in an *R* buffer, 
I get the following in the minibuffer:

"Wrong number of arguments: comint-bol, 0"

and the command is not completed.

This does _not_ happen with the version of comint.el currently shipping 
with the different Emacs, including Beta Xemacs, although I don't know 
what the latest 'stable' release is using.  Rather, this happens when I 
use a version of comint.el from a previous version of Xemacs (21.4.17), 
which is quite possibly what is coming with the latest 21.4 patch.  I 
assume a version similar to this came with an older Emacs at some point, 

The reason I used an 'old' version of comint.el was that I liked the 
behavior that hitting return on a previous R command would copy it to 
the current prompt, let me edit it, and then hit return again to submit 

Using the newer comint.el, hitting return on a command copies it and 
immediately submits it.

I realize now I can use M-p to retrieve previous R commands in the history.

There might be not much the ESS team can (or want to) do, since this 
relies on something outside ESS being defined a certain way, and at some 
point you have to make assumptions about how those functions will be 

Therefore, consider this report informational, in case anyone else has 
the same error in the future, they will know why.

I am going to attempt to attach my comint.el (came with XEmacs 21.4.17, 
and possibly later) but am not sure if it will come through.

Erik Iverson
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