Updates on working towards a new Debian package for ess

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Sun May 18 13:11:05 CEST 2008


On Sun, May 18, 2008 at 12:25:49PM +0200, Stefan Theussl wrote:
> works really nice for me now. I just wanted to comment/answer some of 
> your questions/statements:
> Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> [...]
> >ii)  We called the package 5.3.7, it starts as 5.3.8 -- so I just 
> >committed a
> >     trivial fix to debian/changelog making it 5.3.8 in a minute.
> >  
> I think as long as 5.3.8 is not released I suggest using the tagged 
> 5.3.7 sources. I created a tarball from it and fixed the refcard issue. 

I am confused. I thought the refcard issue was fixed in svn by Martin as per

   r3888 | maechler | 2008-05-16 04:55:32 -0500 (Fri, 16 May 2008) | 3 lines

   Usepackage {fullpage} instead of {a4};
   {svn} is now also carried by ubuntu

What did you change relative to this?

> You can download it from:
> http://statmath.wu-wien.ac.at/~theussl/downloads/ess.org.tar.gz

I think I'd be more comfortable sticking with svn given that it would
be clearer exactly what code we released off.

It is not uncommon to release Debian package from svn. We could call
this 5.3.7.svn3892. In a way, that would be more honest than calling a
snapshot 5.3.7 when there really is a 5.3.7 release.
> simply bringing the changelog entry back to 5.3.7 will enable you to 
> build a working 5.3.7-1 .deb without complaining that it is 5.3.8 :-).

Right. I can do the same, I think, by reverting debian/changelog and by setting 
the variable in ess-cust.el:

   edd at ron:~/svn/ess/lisp> grep 5.3.8 *
   ess-cust.el:(defvar ess-version "5.3.8"

Or did I miss anything?

Thanks for the feedback!


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