Updates on working towards a new Debian package for ess

Stefan Theussl stefan.theussl at wu-wien.ac.at
Sun May 18 12:25:49 CEST 2008

Hi Dirk,

works really nice for me now. I just wanted to comment/answer some of 
your questions/statements:

Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:

> ii)  We called the package 5.3.7, it starts as 5.3.8 -- so I just committed a
>      trivial fix to debian/changelog making it 5.3.8 in a minute.
I think as long as 5.3.8 is not released I suggest using the tagged 
5.3.7 sources. I created a tarball from it and fixed the refcard issue. 
You can download it from:


simply bringing the changelog entry back to 5.3.7 will enable you to 
build a working 5.3.7-1 .deb without complaining that it is 5.3.8 :-).

> PS   emacs-snapshot rocks my world because of the Xft font goodness. It looks
>      soooo much better.  I now use 
>         (set-default-font "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-10")
>      and like it lot better than what we had before.  I use
>         deb http://ron:9999/emacs.orebokech.com sid main
>      for Debian and can't of the top of my head remember what I did on
>      Ubuntu. I may have recompiled the package source from that site.
Indeed. Looks definitely much better. really nice. Thank you for that hint.


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