[ESS-bugs] Fwd: Re: [ESS] Windows Vista and Emacs/ESS

Richard M. Heiberger rmh at temple.edu
Fri Jan 23 06:56:50 CET 2009

I turned the toolbar on and investigated.  The problem occurs on both
XP and Vista.  I think the problem is in the line

 (let ((use-dialog-box nil);; Win-only: dialog box won't return a directory

in essd-r.el

The help for use-dialog-box (emacs says it applies to
y-or-n-p questions only.  We are attempting to use it for a string response
question where it doesn't apply.   The help for y-or-n-p sends me to
last-nonmenu-event which gives the potential for more elaborate control.

I don't know how to repair this problem.


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