[BioC] Gene Ontology Annotations from Gene Names

Joseph Shaw [guest] guest at bioconductor.org
Wed Feb 5 01:09:56 CET 2014

I am hoping to get appropriate GO mappings for a list of genes used in a microarray experiment with a view to identifying significantly regulated processes.

I was planning on using the Bioconductor package GOstats to identify these processes; however, the organism under study is not a supported organism. I have attempted to use the blast2GO software to generate the gene to GO mapping, but this approach seems to be very time consuming (after generating the corresponding .fasta files, it took over 1 hour to BLAST just 10 genes).

Currently, the gene identifiers I am using are simply the gene names, but it shouldn't be too difficult to derive a list of corresponding alternative identifiers (assuming they are publicly available) should it be advantageous to the GO mapping process.

Is there any faster way to achieve this gene to GO mapping (either through Bioconductor packages or otherwise)?

Any assistance is appreciated.


 -- output of sessionInfo(): 


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