[BioC] Two interaction coefficients not estimable in limma's lmFit() in a 2^3 factorial design - does this change my contrast matrix now?
Massimo Pinto
pintarello at gmail.com
Fri Aug 7 16:34:17 CEST 2009
thank you Jim,
you are indeed correct: I did not specify how I created my matrix.
Here it comes
Dose <- factor(targets$Dose, levels=c("Cn", "1Gy")) # It's very
important that you define the levels now, with their order, as
otherwise he will do it for you and this may not be the way you want
Lab <- factor(targets$Lab, levels=c("ISS", "LNGS"))
Ageing <- factor(targets$Ageing, levels=c("t0", "6mo"))
disegno <- model.matrix(~Dose*Ageing*Lab) # makes a design matrix with
several interaction parameters and a total of eight param.
given that my data set includes six independent samples (with four
biological replicates each), I suppose I cannot estimate more than 6
parameters. But model.matrix() went on anyway...
I suppose I could erase the last two columns of my 'disegno'
On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 6:30 PM, James W. MacDonald<jmacdon at med.umich.edu> wrote:
> Hi Massimo,
> Massimo Pinto wrote:
>> Greetings all,
>> I have noticed that several users have presented the issue of
>> parameters not estimated in some cases of linear model fittings with
>> the limma function lmFit().
>> In trying to implement my 2^3 factorial design, I have followed
>> Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Solutions using R and
>> Bioconductor's examples as at Chapter 14 (Multifactor experiments).
>> I have encountered my own problem with two such parameters:
>>> fit <- lmFit(esetSub, disegno)
>> Coefficients not estimable: Ageing6mo:LabLNGS Dose1Gy:Ageing6mo:LabLNGS
>> Warning message:
>> Partial NA coefficients for 2176 probe(s)
> Well, you don't show how you built this design matrix, but I would bet you
> didn't use model.matrix because the matrix isn't of full rank, so you can't
> solve for all the coefficients you are trying to estimate here.
> The lmFit function is nice enough to let you know that, but you could have
> checked using either is.fullrank() to see if the matrix is of full rank, or
> nonEstimable() to see which coefficients aren't going to be estimated.
> Best,
> Jim
>> whereby
>>> disegno
>> (Intercept) Dose1Gy Ageing6mo LabLNGS Dose1Gy:Ageing6mo
>> Dose1Gy:LabLNGS Ageing6mo:LabLNGS Dose1Gy:Ageing6mo:LabLNGS
>> 1 1 0 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 2 1 0 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 3 1 0 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 4 1 0 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 5 1 1 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 6 1 1 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 7 1 1 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 8 1 1 0 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 9 1 0 1 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 10 1 0 1 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 11 1 0 1 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 12 1 0 1 0 0
>> 0 0 0
>> 13 1 1 1 0 1
>> 0 0 0
>> 14 1 1 1 0 1
>> 0 0 0
>> 15 1 1 1 0 1
>> 0 0 0
>> 16 1 1 1 0 1
>> 0 0 0
>> 17 1 0 1 1 0
>> 0 1 0
>> 18 1 0 1 1 0
>> 0 1 0
>> 19 1 0 1 1 0
>> 0 1 0
>> 20 1 0 1 1 0
>> 0 1 0
>> 21 1 1 1 1 1
>> 1 1 1
>> 22 1 1 1 1 1
>> 1 1 1
>> 23 1 1 1 1 1
>> 1 1 1
>> 24 1 1 1 1 1
>> 1 1 1
>> attr(,"assign")
>> [1] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
>> attr(,"contrasts")
>> attr(,"contrasts")$Dose
>> [1] "contr.treatment"
>> attr(,"contrasts")$Ageing
>> [1] "contr.treatment"
>> attr(,"contrasts")$Lab
>> [1] "contr.treatment"
>> I have checked my design and it does make good sense to me. But, I
>> believe I was asking too much from my parameter estimation.
>> I am wondering how is this going to change the way I design my
>> contrast matrix? I am trying to define my contrast matrix following
>> the formulation of null hypotheses as at the 'yellow' book, p244.
>> Thanking you very much,
>> Massimo
>> Massimo Pinto
>> Post Doctoral Research Fellow
>> Enrico Fermi Centre and Italian Public Health Research Institute (ISS),
>> Rome
>> http://claimid.com/massimopinto
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> --
> James W. MacDonald, M.S.
> Biostatistician
> Douglas Lab
> University of Michigan
> Department of Human Genetics
> 5912 Buhl
> 1241 E. Catherine St.
> Ann Arbor MI 48109-5618
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