[BioC] probesets from a KEGGHyperGParams instance

Louisa A Rispoli/AS/EXP/UTIA larispoli at mail.ag.utk.edu
Thu Oct 30 18:16:10 CET 2008

To anyone with a lot more experience.

I have been trying to read through all the helps and vignettes for a simple
way to get the probesets that went into producing significance of KEGG term
after running hypergeometric test for KEGG. I have found probeSetSummary
for GO terms and hyperGoutput (also for GO terms) but nothing corresponding
for the KEGG. Was hoping someone had a simple methodology for retrieval.



"If we knew what we were doing, it wouldn't be called Research." - Albert

Louisa Rispoli, Ph.D. Reproductive Physiology
Department of Animal Science
University of Tennessee, Knoxville
A105 Johnson Animal Research and Teaching Unit
1750 Alcoa Highway
Knoxville, TN 37920
phone:(865) 946-1874
fax:(865) 946-1010
email: lrispoli at utk.edu

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