[BioC] aggregate_summarizing expression values over entrez gene ids
Vanessa Vermeirssen
vanessa.vermeirssen at psb.ugent.be
Thu Nov 13 13:31:55 CET 2008
I have a dataframe containing RMA normalized and summarized expression
values for affymetrix probesets, av.data.
I have looked up the Entrez gene ids for the probesets in the annotation
package, entrezids.
Multiple probesets map of course to the same entrez id and I would like
to combine these data into one row,
by averaging the expression values for the same entrez ids over the
different experiments.
I tried the function "aggregate" to do this, but somehow it gives an
error that the arguments are not of the same length, but they are...???
How can I solve this or is there any other way to do this?
See my code below...
av.data <- read.table("humanGPL570avdata.txt", row.names = 1, sep =
"\t", header = T, na.strings = "NA", fill = T)
X1_Schwann_p1 X1_Schwann_p3 X2_accumbens X2_adipose
1007_s_at 9.281857 9.340795 9.151775 8.319741
1053_at 7.000684 6.867318 4.633061 5.101534
117_at 6.007608 6.124562 5.425565 5.692270
121_at 6.543294 6.728119 7.651856 7.692947
1255_g_at 3.077289 2.989938 4.622865 2.955812
1007_s_at 7.909480
1053_at 4.509407
117_at 6.298798
121_at 7.598834
1255_g_at 3.040816
probes <- ls(hgu133plus2ENTREZID)
entrezids <- unlist(mget(probes,hgu133plus2ENTREZID))
newdata <- data.frame(entrezids,av.data)
sum <- aggregate(av.data,as.list(entrezids),mean)
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : arguments must have same length
> length(as.list(entrezids))
[1] 54675
> dim(av.data)
[1] 54675 69
sumdata <- aggregate(newdata,as.list(newdata$entrezids),mean)
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) : arguments must have same length
> length(as.list(newdata$entrezids))
[1] 54675
> dim(newdata)
[1] 54675 70
Thank you so much!
Vanessa Vermeirssen, PhD
Tel:+32 (0)9 331 38 10 fax:+32 (0)9 3313809
VIB Department of Plant Systems Biology, Ghent University
Technologiepark 927, 9052 Gent, BELGIUM
vamei at psb.ugent.be http://www.psb.ugent.be
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