[BioC] BIRD 08
Prof. Roland Wagner
rrwagner at faw.at
Sat Feb 2 09:31:07 CET 2008
BioInformatics Research and Development
Technical University of Vienna, Austria
July 7-9, 2008
*Paper submission deadline extended !!!! New deadline: February 15, 2008
Workshop Proposal submission
Poster submission: Deadline March 15*
Best regards
Roland Wagner
Univ. Prof. Dr. Roland Wagner Director of the Institute of Applied Knowledgeprocessing (FAW)
Director of the Institute "integriert studieren"
Tel.: +43 676 84673210
Fax: +43 732 24689308 rrwagner at faw.uni-linz.ac.at
sec1: Monika Neubauer Tel.: +43 676 84673212 Fax.:+43 732 2468 9308 mneubauer at faw.uni-linz.ac.at
sec2: Barbara Arrer
Tel: +43 732 2468 9232
Fax:+43 732 2468 9322
barbara.arrer at jku.ta
http://www.faw.uni-linz.ac.at http://www.integriert-studieren.jku.at http://www.dexa.org http://www.icchp.org
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