[BioC] cannot allocate vector of size 73 kb, in made4

Amin Moghaddasi a.moghaddasi at gmail.com
Tue Nov 6 12:15:40 CET 2007

Dear All,

This has been asked several times before in different threads, However
this error seems to be a 32bit windows OS memory usage related to R. 

Although I am using Dual Core Processor with 2GB of RAM running kubuntu
Gutsy version 7.10, However I've got the same error "can not allocate
vector of size 73 kb" as well. I'm not sure whether this is related to
the specific function/package that I'm using, since I've got exactly the
same size of 73 kb, on two different machines! (the above machine, and
the other with 4GB RAM !!)
The function that I wanted to use is "cia" in "made4" package version
Basically what I've done is: 

> data1723 <- read.csv('1723.csv',header=TRUE,row.names="geneNames")
> data2224 <- read.csv('2224.csv',header=TRUE,row.names="geneNames")
> coin <- cia(data1723,data2224)
Error: cannot allocate vector of size 73 Kb
> dim(data1723)
[1] 9335   24
> dim(data2224)
[1] 9335   24

> sessionInfo()
R version 2.6.0 (2007-10-03)


attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base

other attached packages:
[1] made4_1.12.1 ade4_1.4-5

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
[1] rcompgen_0.1-17
> traceback()
4: unlist(vlist, recursive = FALSE, use.names = FALSE)
3: data.frame(tabcoiner)
2: coinertia(t.dudi(coa1), t.dudi(coa2), nf = cia.nf, scan = cia.scan,
1: cia(data1723, data2224)

$ free -m
             total       used       free     shared    buffers
Mem:          3424       3320        103          0          5
-/+ buffers/cache:       3200        223
Swap:         6000         81       5919

Any sugestions are appreciated,

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