[BioC] Installing beadarray

Joern Toedling toedling at ebi.ac.uk
Thu Nov 1 17:52:59 CET 2007


the call "biocLite()" just installs the basic Bioconductor packages.
However, this function can also be used to install other packages from
Bioconductor and CRAN (the major archive of non-Bioconductor extension
biocLite("beadarray", dependencies=TRUE)
# or
to get the package "DBI" directly.

You can also find the CRAN packages via the web, for example at
follow the link "Contributed extension packages" and look for "DBI".


Krys Kelly wrote:
> Hello
> I have just installed R 2.6.0. To save space, I usually install packages
> individually rather than using biocLite().  I installed beadarray and then,
> when I typed library(beadarray), I got:
> Error: package 'geneplotter' could not be loaded
> In addition: Warning message:
> In library(pkg, character.only = TRUE, logical.return = TRUE, lib.loc =
> lib.loc) :
>   there is no package called 'geneplotter'
> So I downloaded geneplotter and installed that.  Similarly, I got then got
> errors in turn for annotate and AnnotationDbi. After I had installed these,
> I got an error for DBI. But I couldn't find DBI on the Bioconductor website.
> I thought maybe if I installed Bioconductor using biocLite() this would
> solve my problem. But I still get an error message:
> Error: package 'DBI' required by 'AnnotationDbi' could not be found
> What is this DBI and where can I find it? Or is there something else I need
> to do to install beadarray?
> My R session is pasted below with the sessionInfo() at the bottom.
> Thanks for your help.
> Krys

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