[BioC] multtest

Gerhard Thallinger Gerhard.Thallinger at tugraz.at
Wed Mar 14 17:11:06 CET 2007

Dear Ozge,

> I am using "multtest" to analyze my data. Data consisit of 2 groups 
> with 3 different conditions in each with 2 repllicates. I encounter 
> with the following error.
> n = read.csv("G2vs2215minus.csv")
> dim(n)
> [1] 54675    13
> m = n[,2:13]
> nlabel = c(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1)
> tmp <- mt.teststat.num.denum(m, nlabel, test = "pairt")
> Some errors in specifying classlabel for the paired t test for the 
> block 1 located at ( 1 2 )
>   your classlabel= 1
> Some errors in specifying cla
> what should I do, to do a pair T test with 2 replicates of data.

  If you change nlabel to 

   nlabel = c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1)
  and rearrange your columns in the data frame m accordingly everything 
  should work. multtest requires the paired data columns to be adjacent.



DI Gerhard Thallinger              E-mail:  Gerhard.Thallinger at tugraz.at
Institute for Genomics and Bioinformatics   Web: http://genome.tugraz.at
Graz University of Technology               Tel:        +43 316 873 5343
Petersgasse 14/V                            Fax:        +43 316 873 5340
8010 Graz, Austria                 Map: http://genome.tugraz.at/Loc.html

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