[BioC] Getting all the gene names and the locus link ID from different platforms

Marc Carlson mcarlson at fhcrc.org
Tue Jul 31 20:55:13 CEST 2007

Alex Tsoi wrote:
> Dear all,
> I am trying to get ALL the gene names (symbol) and their corresponding locus
> link ID from around 10 different Affymetrix platforms, but I am not quite
> sure how to do that.....effeciently.
> I know I could use the aafSymbol from the annaffy package or the getLL /
> getSYMBOL from the annotate package to do that, but all of these functions
> require to input a set of identifiers (the probesets), and in my case, I
> will have to get ALL the probesets from my experiment first, and then call
> the function to get all the Locus Link id / symbol corresponding to that
> chip.
> Do you guys have some more effecient ways to retrieve all the locus link id
> or the symbol from different affymetrix platforms ? I greatly appreciate for
> the help.
> Thanks a lot,
You could use the LL Mappings packages.  The only catch is that then you
will have all the entrez gene IDs which would go well beyond your
current ten platforms.  We don't have a list of all the probesets from
your ten platforms, so we can only meet you halfway on this.  ;)


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