[BioC] possible boston bioconductor training, 13-15 july 2006
Vincent Carey 525-2265
stvjc at channing.harvard.edu
Tue Jun 13 03:37:53 CEST 2006
This is to gauge interest in a Bioconductor training
class in Boston, 13-15 Jul 2006 (Thurs-Sat). Topics
will be, roughly, Day 1: R background; R/bioc container
and workflow overview/preprocessing; Day 2: differential expression,
annotation resources; Day 3: advanced topics: machine
learning, graphs and networks, integrative analysis.
It is expected that students will bring laptops; all software
will be provided for Mac and Windows platforms;
linux users will be provided with installation scripts
to secure environment equivalent to other platforms.
Prices: 750 USD academic, 1500 USD commercial, 500 USD
Harvard U affiliate.
If you are interested in attending, please send a note
with header "Boston Bioc Training 2006" to
stvjc at channing.harvard.edu. I will decide whether
to hold the course on the basis of replies received by
June 25. A web site with registration materials and
syllabus will be established by that time. If you
have particular questions, please pose them in response
to this email.
Vince Carey, PhD
Assoc. Prof Med (Biostatistics)
Harvard Medical School
Channing Laboratory - ph 6175252265 fa 6177311541
181 Longwood Ave Boston MA 02115 USA
stvjc at channing.harvard.edu
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