[BioC] Problem about Affy

Jufen Zhou jfzhou at ucdavis.edu
Fri Mar 25 01:51:35 CET 2005

Dear BioConductor gurus,
On a Windows XP (SP2) machine, when I use the package Affy (R 2.0.1, 
bioconductor 1.5), the following error message appears:

Note: You did not specify a download type.  Using a default value of: 
This will be fine for almost all users 
[1] "Attempting to download hgu133plus2cdf from 
[1] "Download complete."
[1] "Installing hgu133plus2cdf"
Note: Running R version 2.0.1 and package hgu133plus2cdf was built for R 
version 2.0.0
 , installing anyway.
Error in library("hgu133plus2cdf", lib.loc 
= "C:/PROGRA~1/R/rw2001/library") : 
        There is no package called 'hgu133plus2cdf'
In addition: Warning messages: 
1: error -1 in extracting from zip file 
2: Installation of package hgu133plus2cdf had non-zero exit status in: 
installPkg(fileName, pkg, pkgVer, type, lib, repEntry, versForce) 

But we have updated all package when was installing R 2.0.1.

Does anyone know what is the problem?
Thank you.

Jufen Zhou

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