[Bioc-devel] scp: Request updates on the git.bioconductor.org repository location

Christophe Vanderaa chr|@tophe@v@nder@@ @end|ng |rom uc|ouv@|n@be
Tue Sep 20 16:00:24 CEST 2022

Dear Bioconductor Team,

I'm maintaining the scp package.

After running the BiocCheck, I needed to clean my git repository. I 
followed the instruction here: 

As the last step, I would like to request updates on the 
git.bioconductor.org repository location. Would you be willing to force 
push the GitHub repo to the Bioconductor repo? Or would you explain me 
how I can run it myself?

Here is the link of the scp repo: https://github.com/UCLouvain-CBIO/scp

Many thanks in advance.



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