[Bioc-devel] change of maintainer and deprecated package to fix
Nitesh Turaga
ntur@g@@b|oc @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Mon Mar 14 15:43:08 CET 2022
Hi Elena and Matteo,
Matteo, You will gain access to the package once you activate your BiocCredentials account and add your SSH keys (https://git.bioconductor.org/BiocCredentials/account_activation).
Please change the maintainer (to yourself) in the DESCRIPTION file of the package as soon as you are ready with this change.
I believe @Lori will be able to answer this question regarding deprecation for you.
Nitesh Turaga
Scientist II, Department of Data Science,
Bioconductor Core Team Member
Dana Farber Cancer Institute
> On Mar 14, 2022, at 5:36 AM, Elena Papaleo <elpap using dtu.dk> wrote:
> Dear Bioconductor maintainers,
> I'm Elena Papaleo from the Technical University of Denmark and the Danish Cancer Society Research Center.
> I am one of the principal investigator behind the development of the MoonlightR package currently in Bioconductor. We have realized that the package is now set as deprecated as it fails to build under macOS. Have I understood correctly that we need to fix the package so that the macOS build passes before the April the 4th for it to remain in Bioconductor?
> I am writing to let you know that we are interested in keeping up with the development of the package. The main maintenance is now covered almost entirely by my group. We would like to fix the build issue and we have a few other changes we'd like to push to the Bioconductor repository as well, in the short-medium term. In order to do this, we would like to change the maintainer from Antonio Colaprico (here in cc) to Matteo Tiberti (also in cc). His details are:
> Matteo Tiberti
> tiberti using cancer.dk
> ORCID: 0000-0003-2529-3594
> Antonio if you can please approve this request here we can get it done.
> Many thanks
> Elena Papaleo
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