[Bioc-devel] Using my own genome for CAGER

Jaehyun Lee j@ehyun| @end|ng |rom @ndrew@cmu@edu
Mon Jul 29 19:03:06 CEST 2019


My name is Jaehyun Lee, an undergraduate student at Carnegie Mellon
University conducting developmental biology research. I am currently trying
to run CAGEr using bam files from the CAGE experiment and from my own
reference genome. However, the specific genome that I need is not available
in BSgenome. Is there a way of using CAGEr without using a genome from
BSgenome or is there a way to upload my genome to BSgenome?

Thank you,

Jaehyun Lee
Candidate for Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences
Carnegie Mellon University, Class of 2020
jaehyunl using andrew.cmu.edu I 508.523.0203

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