[Bioc-devel] I have access to someone else's library but not my own

Julie Sullivan ju||e @end|ng |rom |nterm|ne@org
Tue Jul 2 15:30:35 CEST 2019

Hi all,

I updated my github repository with a bug fix, and want to push this 
change to the bioconductor git repo. I've somehow lost the rights to do 
that, so I logged in to check my keys.

I logged in here:


I see:

         'j.sullivan using gen.cam.ac.uk' has access to the following packages:

I don't know what "ddPCRclust" is. I was expecting to see "InterMineR", 
my package.

Also, the github username was someone else. I updated to be my github 
user, but a bit weird.

How can I get the access rights to my package back?

Thank you!!

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