[Bioc-devel] Changes not applied in bioc source
James W. MacDonald
jm@cdon @end|ng |rom uw@edu
Thu Dec 5 19:15:55 CET 2019
The changes you made seem to be reflected in the version of PhyloProfile
that I get:
> sortInputTaxa
function (taxonIDs = NULL, rankName, refTaxon = NULL, taxaTree = NULL)
ncbiID <- fullName <- abbrName <- NULL
if (missing(rankName))
return("No taxonomy rank name given!")
allMainRanks <- getTaxonomyRanks()
if (!(rankName[1] %in% allMainRanks))
return("Invalid taxonomy rank given!")
if (is.null(refTaxon))
refTaxon <- taxonNames$fullName[1]
fullnameList <- getNameList()
taxonNames <- getInputTaxaName(rankName, taxonIDs)
rankNameTMP <- taxonNames$rank[taxonNames$fullName == refTaxon]
*if (rankName == "strain") { superID <-
fullnameList$ncbiID[fullnameList$fullName] }*
else superID <- fullnameList$ncbiID[fullnameList$fullName ==
refTaxon & fullnameList$rank == rankNameTMP[1]]
Dt <- getTaxonomyMatrix()
On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 12:23 PM Vinh Tran <tran using bio.uni-frankfurt.de> wrote:
> Dear Bioc Team,
> I am maintainer of the PhyloProfile package. Last week I made a bug fixed
> for the package and push it into both release_3_10 as well as the master
> (development) branch. The build and check for both PR were successful and I
> can see the new source files with the correct version numbers in the
> corresponding bioc sites. But, it seems that, the bug is still there. I
> checked with BiocManager::install() as well as installed from the source
> files downloaded from both Bioc 3.10 and 3.11. However, the code run
> correctly when I installed the package from the github repo (with both dev
> and release branches), which is linked to the bioc git.
> Could you explain me what is happening? Many thanks!
> Best regards,
> Vinh
> --------------------------------
> Dr. Vinh Tran
> Dept. for Applied Bioinformatics
> Inst. for Cell Biology and Neuroscience
> Goethe University Frankfurt
> Biologicum, Room 3.209
> Phone +49 (0)69/798-42118
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James W. MacDonald, M.S.
University of Washington
Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences
4225 Roosevelt Way NE, # 100
Seattle WA 98105-6099
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