[Bioc-devel] Update/ replace package

Kasper Daniel Hansen kasperdanielhansen at gmail.com
Tue May 9 15:36:42 CEST 2017

What other people (including me) have done extensively is to include new
functionality in an existing package, publish a new paper and explain how
the package should be cited.


On Tue, May 9, 2017 at 8:46 AM, Martin Morgan <martin.morgan at roswellpark.org
> wrote:

> On 05/08/2017 04:57 AM, Christian Oertlin wrote:
>> Dear mailing list,
>> We created an updated version of our package "anota", which will run
>> under a new name "anota2seq".
>> We would like to update/replace the anota package and also change the
>> name. If we update the "anota" package using the SVN, will that also change
>> the name of the "anota" package to "anota2seq".
>> Or
>> Should we submit the "anota2seq" package as a complete new submission?
> Personally I think you should reconsider the need to introduce a new
> package, especially when at least the name suggests it does something
> qualitatively similar. By introducing a new package you'll have to decide
> whether the old package will be deprecated and made defunct (over the
> course of two release cycles, http://bioconductor.org/develo
> pers/package-end-of-life/, confusing and alienating your users current
> users) or maintained indefinitely (confusing future users about which
> package they should be using, and doubling your maintenance costs.
> If you do decide to create a new package, it must be submitted through the
> tracker and go through the review process. You would also indicate that the
> anota package will be deprecated / made defunct.
> Martin
>> Kind regards,
>> Christian
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