[Bioc-devel] adding multiple vignettes not all should be processed by the build-system
Wolfgang Huber
wolfgang.huber at embl.de
Fri Jul 21 09:29:06 CEST 2017
Hi Maarten
The most pragmatic way is perhaps to add a regular .Rmd file into the
"vignettes/" directory, which does nothing but link (or even redirect?)
to the prebuilt HTML file. (Not sure whether that can even be in the
same directory, or whether it's better to put it somewhere under "inst/"?)
There's probably a way to copy the pre-built HTML files into the right
place in "vignettes/" directory using a Makefile and making sure the
indexing and landing page display is done. This used to work for vsn,
but more recently I concluded this could be too unrobust and unportable.
There's probably also value for your users in clearly seeing a
difference between the dynamically built and the static documents, and
in not confusing them with non-standard Makefile magic.
19.7.17 09:07, Maarten van Iterson scripsit:
> Dear all,
> I've created a package that contains one vignette showing its core
> functionality that I would like to be processed by the build-system and two
> other vignettes showing more comprehensive examples, e.g. including
> downloading publicly available data from GEO and 1000G vcfs which take too
> much time and memory resources. I would like to show these two vignettes on
> the landing page using prebuild html but don't want them to be processed by
> the build-system.
> Is this possible and if yes, what is the appropriate way to accomplish this?
> The package is currently under review and called omicsPrint.
> Regards,
> Maarten
> [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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With thanks in advance-
Wolfgang Huber
Principal Investigator, EMBL Senior Scientist
European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Heidelberg, Germany
wolfgang.huber at embl.de
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